
I am Assoc.Prof. Dr. Khettai, the chairman of the Chiang Mai Japanese Association of Chiang Mai. Previously, the chairman of the our Association was an executive of a company belonging to the Japan Business Committee of Northern Thailand (JBCNT) by the election, but from 2021 I will serve as chairman for the purpose of strengthening cooperation with Thai society. At the same time, we created a new organization called the Steering Committee under the chairman. The chairman of the Steering Committee has been left to Japanese people as in the case of the conventional chairman, and the Committee members have been changed so that they can continue to carry out active activities as before.
I will do my best to help Japanese people can do useful activities here in Chiang Mai, and our Association is to become a place for activities to promote friendship between Japan and Thailand, which is the purpose of this association. Thank you.


Assoc.Prof. Dr..Khettai Langkarpint
Chairman of Chiang Mai Japanese Association